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Roll the Sleeve Up:
Supporting Vaccination Roll Out in Libya

A capacity-building program under the name Roll The Sleeve Up was implemented to support the vaccination roll-out in Libya.

15 health facilities were targeted in Tripoli, Ghatt, and Ubari. The program consisted of two courses:

  • COVID19 Prevention and Response, which targeted Vaccination hub, Nurses, and Medical Doctors from the health facilities.

  • Infection Prevention and Control, which targeted Medical doctors, nurses, community health workers, outreach volunteers.


A total of 8 Infection Prevention and Control and COVID 19 Prevention and Response courses were provided in Tripoli, Ghatt, and Ubari. For each course, 3 groups were trained in Tripoli, 2 in Ghatt, and 3 in Ubari. The total number of participants trained in the three areas was 263, out of which 242 were Female and 21 were Male.

Funded by:
tdh logo.jpg
Project in numbers:



Total Participants
Training Courses

3 months

Overall Duration
Implemented with:
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